To help find locations, use a Florence County Recreation Map or Waterfall Guide from the Visitor Center or order on the Contact Us page.
HIKE: the Highway 70 falls: Bull and Meyers for August berries and unique forest habitats
PHOTO/VIDEO: hike to LaSalle Falls any season for stunning photos and thundering drone footage
FISH: at Big Bull Falls for scenic views, peaceful meditation, oyster mushrooms and trout fishing
TUBE: the Pine River Oxbow to relax and unwind with family and friends without needing a shuttle
HIKE: into Breakwater Falls to see unique and ancient geological formations & hydroelectric dam
ATV/UTV: ride the F5 trail to see Washburn Falls (park in lot off trail) and hike 1 mile to LaSalle Falls
PADDLE: from the Pine Dam powerhouse to the Oxbow take-out through fast and slow water
FISH: through the ice on the Pine River Flowage in the winter for northern pike, walleye, bass, panfish
To help find locations, use a Florence County Recreation Map or Waterfall Guide from the Visitor Center or order on the Contact Us page.
HIKE: to Bull Falls, Meyers Falls, Jennings Falls and Big Bull Falls to see both the Pine and Poppl
HIKE: to Breakwater Falls, LaSalle Falls and Washburn Falls for photos and a picnic
HIKE: to all 7 waterfalls - can you do it in one day?
FISH: Class 1 trout water on the Popple River both up and downstream from Washburn Falls
PADDLE: the Pine River from the dam powerhouse to Johnson Creek or Landing Road take-out
ATV/UTV: ride the F12 trail to Morgan Lake camp- ground for a picnic and swim to wash off the dust
PADDLE: from (#12) Chipmunk Rapids to (#1) on Hwy 101 (portage/enjoy Meyers and Bull Falls)
PADDLE/FISH: on the lower Pine River and Menomonee River for bass, northern, walleye, panfish
To help find locations, use a Florence County Recreation Map or Waterfall Guide from the Visitor Center or order online on the Contact Us page.
HIKE to all 7 waterfalls in one weekend plus explore Keyes Peak Recreation area for disc golf, swimming, hiking, boating and a picnic
CAMP at USFS Chipmunk Rapids campground on the Pine River to PADDLE from Hwy 139 (#11) to Chipmunk Rapids and pan for gold on first day then FISH for trout in Chipmunk Rapids the next day
CAMP at Lost Lake USFS campground to HIKE the Assessor’s Trail and around the lake then listen to the loons by the campfire. HIKE the Ridge and Lauterman Trail in the Nicolet Forest the next day then SWIM in this clear, sandy beach lake.
CAMP at WE Energies campsites on north or south side of Pine River Flowage. PADDLE/FISH the flowage one day, hike Breakwater Falls the next.
The most popular tubing trip is on the Pine River Oxbow, but trips on the Brule River are enjoyable as well. The Oxbow is unique because it does not require a shuttle. The put-in and take-out locations are only ¼ mile apart so you can walk back to your car after your 2-3 hour float. The put-in is at the County N bridge over the Pine River 6 miles south of Florence. To tube the Brule River put in at the base of the Brule Dam and take out at Woods Road or for a shorter trip, take out on Camels Clearing Road. Brule Dam Rd is north of Florence. Tubes are available for rent locally as well as shuttle service for paddle or tube trips via a local business, Nature’s Water Park. They offer paddle board, tube, kayak and canoe rentals plus shuttle service, guided trips and adventure advice. Text or call Karl Nelson at 941-536-8090, email at or go to
For a "Paddling the Pine River" article click here
Pine River
Hwy 55 to Hwy 139 (#11) 16 miles
Hwy 55 to Stevens Lake Rd 13.4 miles
Hwy 139 (#11) to Chipmunk Rapids 7.4 miles
Stevens Lake Road to Chipmunk Rapids 10 miles
Chipmunk Rapids (#12) to Goodman Grade (#13) 8.5 miles
Goodman Grade (#15) to Hwy 101 (#1) 10.5 miles
Rochon Landing to Hwy 101 3.4 miles
Hwy 101 (#1) to Pine River Flowage 6 miles
Flowage to Base of LaSalle (round trip) 1 mile each way
Pine River Dam to County N 2 miles
County N to Oxbow take-out 3.5 miles
County N to Johnson Road Landing 5.9 miles
County N to Lake Ellwood Landing 9.3 miles
Popple River *Requires advanced paddling skills*
Twin Rivers Road (#9) to Morgan Lake Road (#5) 11 miles
Twin Rivers to Newald Tower 6.3 miles
Newald Tower to Morgan Lake 4.7 miles
Morgan Lake Road (#5) to Hhhwy 101 (#4) 5.4 miles
Hwy 101 (#4) to join the Pine River 6.3 miles
The Pine and Popple Rivers offer the best trout fishing during May and June or in the fall when water temperatures are lower. During dry, warm summers, July and August require fishermen to find deep water runs, spring seepages or cold water feeder streams such as the following Class 1 trout streams: Woods and Lamon Tangue Creek on the Popple River and Chipmunk Creek on the Upper Pine River. The waterfalls offer deep pools at their base or rapids downriver that also hold fish year round. Warm water fishing is a bit more predictable on the lower stretches of the Pine. In the Pine River Flowage and downstream you'll find morthern, walleye, small-mouth bass and panfish
Where to Fish on the Wild Rivers:
Pine River Chipmunk Rapids area along Lost Lake Road is a likely place to catch brook trout on the Pine River. In the Pine River Flowage and the Lower Pine River feeding into the Menominee River, fishermen will also find northern, walleye, small mouth bass and panfish.
Popple River Catchable sized brook and brown trout (9” fish) are stocked prior to opening day at Newald Tower Road, Morgan Lake Road, and Highway 101 crossings, for great early season fishing. Also try downriver from Highway 101 where Lamon Tangue Creek and Woods Creek join the Popple. Washburn Falls provides access to the Popple between these two Class 1 tributaries. A DNR 2008 trout stamp project restored habitat on 2,700 feet of the Popple River up and downstream from Woods Creek. Runs were deepened, rocks added and cover logs were installed to restore this stretch damaged by log drives in the late 1800’s.
Geocaching is a free, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location. Sign the logbook and return the geocache to its original location. Sign up for free on or search for their app to locate caches in the Florence County area. Here are a few with distance from Florence:
GC2C19A Sunrise Junction: 1.74mi
GC2C19N West Base Lake Park2: .48mi
GC2C19Y In The Wood(s): 3.32mi
GC7QECJ Jennings Falls: 3.70mi
GC62B0 LaSalle Falls: 5.36mi
GC1J9P8 Top Spots: 541215: .43mi
GCVN1K0NE Nicolet - Blue Heaven: 5.74mi
GCVN290NE Nicolet - Popple River: 7.35mi
GC2AVGE I think i canoe you: 7.87mi
GC3MACB Pine River Overlook: 7.96mi
GC1RD170 Oxbow: 8.32mi
GC1J9PA Top Spots: 541039: .05mi
GC3GE7N Johnson Creek Rd: 9.05mi
GC4PV8B Birds Nest View9.29mi
GC4MHCE Camp Newald CCC - Company 262010: .34mi
GCKQRV Lost Lake Pines10.53mi
GC59HJ2 Everyone has to come to this spot sometime: 11.03mi
GC3WTWZ Act Naturally: 11.06mi
GC3PBH9 ATV #2S: Pine River Bridge: 14.37mi
GC1G4YQ Brule River Gaging Station: 12.55mi
GC1RG3Z on the menominee: 13.43mi
Three tiers of cascading falls with rapids create this spectacular falls just below the Pine River Flowage Dam. Caution signs hang over the river here.
Unique rock formations show the power of the river and the beauty of nature. Other than LaSalle Falls, Breakwater Falls is the most impressive falls in Florence County.
This is not recommended for children or people with difficulty walking as climbing up and down rocks gain the best views.
With a 22 foot plummet, LaSalle Falls is the most impressive waterfall in the area. The trail ends at the 35 foot rock outcrop next to the falls, but the best view on foot is to climb down the steep and challenging hill to the base of the falls.
Downstream of the falls is a gorge filled with rapids that runs for 1/2 mile. The best view of the area is in a canoe or kayak from the end of the gorge.
If you only visit one waterfall, make this the one!
Waterfall, fishing, parking area - rugged access site
Bull Falls is small (5 feet), and some may not consider it a waterfall, but if you enjoy the sound of rushing water this is still a great place to visit. There are some very interesting yellow birch root formations next to the river.
Waterfall, fishing, parking area, paddle access - rugged access site
The best view of 7 foot cascading Meyers Falls is from the north. The surrounding geology is very interesting.
Waterfall, fishing, parking area - rugged access point
There is an island in the middle of the Popple River here. The north channel is Big Bull Falls, while the south channel is a cascade of smaller falls. Follow the rustic trail to the falls. Just downstream offers the best view.
Waterfall, fishing, parking area - rugged access site
Once you reach the river, Jennings Falls doesn't look like much, but the farther you go downstream, the better it looks. There can be some physical exertion necessary to get to the best part of the falls. Jennings Falls and the ensuing rapids drops the Popple River about 10 feet.
This is a very scenic spot to enjoy the tranquility of a truly wild river. Washburn Falls is a cascading waterfall that drops about 6 feet.
The best view can be attained by reaching a peninsula that juts out in front of the falls. Reaching the peninsula can be difficult with a steep hill and a small stream crossing. This is a great picnic spot.
Getting to the falls:
Many roads leading to the falls are seasonal dirt or gravel roads. 4-wheel drive or a vehicle with higher clearance is best for visiting the falls. Another way to view LaSalle Falls is to Paddle up the Pine River from the Pine River Flowage and then hike to the falls.
Hiking to the falls:
Please note that all trails are rustic. Difficulty:
Easy: Washburn Falls , Big Bull Falls
Moderate: LaSalle Falls, Meyers Falls, Bull Falls Strenuous: Breakwater Falls, Jennings Falls (Jennings is an easy walk but rocky to view)
Safety and Comfort at the falls:
Make sure to watch small children and pets near the falls. The rocks can be slippery when wet. The water is especially powerful during spring melt and after a heavy rain. There are no guard rails. A public restroom is only available at Breakwater Falls. Bug spray and water are good items to pack. Do not wear flip flops.
This new 100 mile loop features 15 access points to enjoy the Pine and Popple Wild Rivers in Florence County, Wisconsin. Whether you are a paddler, fisherman, hiker, sight seer, bird watcher, photographer or geocacher, you'll find new places to explore on our State designated Wild Rivers. There are places to camp, historic sites to see and friendly people to meet. Start your tour from our Visitor Center on the corner of Hwy 70/US 2. You can pick up a brochure, explore the interpretive displays or browse the Wild Rivers Gift Shop.
The term WILD River refers to their undeveloped, pristine quality. Visitors tell us they feel like they've escaped to Canada when they discover the Pine and Popple Rivers. In 1965 the State designated 3 rivers, the Pine, the Popple and the Pike as Wild Rivers. The intent was to "preserve some rivers in a free flowing condition and to protect them from development" for the purpose to "afford the people of this state an opportunity to enjoy natural streams, to attract out-of-state visitors and assure the well-being of our tourist industry.
You can expect rustic, rugged beauty and quiet solitude as you escape the city and explore in our Northwoods. The Pine and Popple Rivers offer a variety of slow and meandering stretches to rapids and waterfalls; with activities for everyone.The public owned land along these rivers are managed to show as little human intervention as possible within 150 feet or the visual horizon whichever is greater.

The Pine River offers high quality paddling and fishing in a secluded, natural environment. Other activities to enjoy along the river are hiking, bird watching, hunting, and photography. The shoreline is heavily wooded with sugar maple, yellow birch, hemlock and white cedar on the upper stretches and aspen, silver and red maple, white and jack pine the most common trees on the lower reaches.
The 89 mile long Pine River has two different personalities. The upper 79 miles offers deep, slow meandering sections mixed with a few rapids and falls ending with Florence County's largest water fall, 22 foot LaSalle Falls. Beginners can portage the falls and Class I and II rapids while more skilled paddlers are encouraged to portage Meyers Falls. All paddlers should portage LaSalle Falls.
The 10 miles below LaSalle Falls offers relaxed paddling with a steady current for paddlers of all skill levels. A well used feature is the Oxbow. The river makes a big 3.5 mile loop so the Oxbow put-in and take-out are only a 1/4 mile apart. Paddlers and tubers love the convenience of the Oxbow with access on County N.

The Popple access points offer good areas for stream fishermen who like to wade for trout. The Popple offers rapids, riffles and pools where native and/or stocked trout can be found. Paddling the Popple River is best in the spring and early summer when water levels are highest. The lower stretch of the Popple River below Access Point #5 on Morgan Lake Rd. is recommended only for expert paddlers. There are portages for Big Bull Falls and Washburn Falls. Access Points #6- #10 offer easy but often shallow paddling trips. A reading of two is best on either the Hwy 101 or Morgan Lake Rd gauges.
Click on these links for very detailed paddling descriptions of sections of the Popple River by local paddling expert John Roberts:
A) MacArthur Pine Rd to Newald Tower Rd. (21.2 miles)
B) Newald Tower Rd to Morgan Lake Rd (4.7 miles)
C) Morgan Lake Rd to Hwy 101 (5.4 miles)
D) Hwy 101 to Pine River (6.4 miles)
Florence County has two other excellent rivers for paddling and fishing enthusiasts, the Brule and the Menominee. These rivers offer a more consistent water level due to several dams. Where the Michigamme River joins the Brule River the two form the Menominee River which flows all the way to Lake Michigan. The dams form two flowages, the Brule River Flowage and the Twin Falls Flowage on the Menominee River. These Flowages are wider and deeper for motor boat fishermen and water sport enthusiasts in addition to paddlers. These Flowages offer excellent bass, musky, northern, walleye and panfish while the upper stretches of the Brule also contain native and stocked brook and brown trout.
For Twin Falls Flowage fishing info click here & Brule River Flowage fishing click here
The 55 mile-long, Brule River is one of the most secluded, navigable rivers in the state, flowing through a wilderness setting with few cabins and fewer roads. The river provides a relaxing "get-away" experience for canoers and kayakers. Most of the river forms the border between Florence County, Wisconsin and upper Michigan. The Nicolet National Forest runs nearly the entire length on the Wisconsin side, while the Michigan DNR owns most of the land on the Michigan side. River campers may camp anywhere on national forest lands along the sourthern shore of the upper Brule River.
The Brule has a pleasant small-river character in a beautiful, often intimate, northwoods setting. The river meanders past a landscape of small rolling hills with steep wooded banks, to dense northern lowland forest, spruce swamp, and open wetlands. Cedar, spruce, balsam fir, red pine, aspen, maple, birch, and various species of thickets cover the river banks. Paddlers are likely to see: white-tailed deer, beaver, muskrat, raccoon, and river otter. Among the bird-life you are likely to see are: wood duck, bald eagles, common merganser, belted kingfisher, spotted sandpiper, great blue heron, and several species of warbler.
For river paddling details and maps for Hwy 139 to FR 2150 (16 miles) click here
For river paddling details/maps for FR 2150 to Brule River Flowage (14 miles) click here
USGS real-time water data for Wisconsin
The following businesses serve food and beverages on the Wild Rivers Tour route. You can find more information and contact info for each in the website Dining Guide: The Fence Post, Roadhouse 139, Grandma Sally's Cafe & Bake Shop, Northern Lites and Leff's Sports Bar & Grill. There are other options nearby as well. The Store in Long Lake and The Fence Post also sell convenience store items.
Paddle access, fishing, parking area - improved access area
A short but beautiful flat-water float for novice paddlers. It is only 1.4 river miles and takes a minimum of 30 minutes. This section features 2 interesting Quinnesec Formation Precambrian rock outcrops. Also, just before the takeout the Popple River joins the Pine from the river’s right side. At the point of this confluence Charles LaSalle, a locally historic figure, operated his trading post for a number of years. Between the confluence and immediately before the takeout is a full-river class-1 rapids that is formed by the remnants of an old bridge. On the right is a public takeout. The landing on the left is private property. The most significant hindrance to enjoying this float trip is that travel to the public takeout is by a long, potentially very rough, backwoods road. It is possible, with considerable effort, to float down and paddle (or pole back upriver to highway 101.)
Waterfall, fishing, parking area - rugged access site
A hike into this small falls provides a glimpse of one of the are's little known mini-canyons. In the low and warm waters of late summer it is challenging but possible and interesting to hike the riverbed and along the bank all the way to the confluence. This affords an opportunity to see more if the rock outcrops along this section of the Popple River.
Waterfall, fishing, parking area- rugged access site
The hike-in trail provides access to both the falls and the length of Long-day Rapids below the falls. Fishing along the banks of the rapids is possible. The Falls provide a dramatic look at a massive Precambrian, Granitic, Quinesec Formation rock outcrop. The high bluff overlook of the falls is amazing. The island has some extraordinarily beautiful water-sculpting of the outcrop.The smooth scalloping of the outcrop was created by glacial melt-water.
Between Big Bull Falls and Long-day rapids is a large, deep, still-water pond.
Paddle access, fishing, picnic area, parking area- improved access site
This landing has one of the area's thickest blanket of spring wildflowers, including trout lily, spring beauty and more.
Canoe trips on the Popple River require expert-level canoeing skills and is not a river for paddlers with novice or intermediate abilities. One-third of a mile downriver is a long, technically challenging class 2 technical rapids (Champeau Rapids). Long quiet water sections are between Champeau Rapids and Washburn Falls and between Washburn Falls and Jennings Falls. Portage around Washburn Falls is signed and has a very rugged, but well-worn path. Jennings Falls has no developed portage but in low water it may be possible to drag a boat over the rocks along the shore. The trip from 101 to the confluence is 6.3 river miles and takes a minimum of 2.5-3 hours.
Paddle access, fishing, parking area- improved access site
This 5 mile section is perhaps the most dangerous and ambitious single section of whitewater on either river. There are 13 sets of class 2-technical rapids and two falls that are class 3. For the advanced whitewater paddler this section at the right water levels is an excellebnt riun. For the full, upper-body, lower-body workout, returning to your car by bicycle is a dandy complement to this trip.
The USGS river monitoring station for the Popple River is located at the Morgan Lake Bridge. Immediately upriver from the bridge one can see the embankment remnants of an old logging-era dam. There are hike-in trails down river from the parking area for fishing.
Paddle access, fishing, parking are, fire ring- rugged access site
This location is known for its beauty, wildlife, birding, turtle activity, wildflowers, hiking and 1-3 informal car-camping spots. A 1/4 mile long curving class 2-technical rapids (NT Rapids) terminate under the bridge. Upriver along the rapids is a popular and beautiul hike and is frequently fished. Dead-falls will commonly obstruct canoe passage down these rapids. Similar to other sections of the Popple River this section, while short and inviting, requires advanced paddling skills. Two miles downriver is a long complicated and fast class 2 rapids (Boren Rapida) that is immediately followed by the deceptively dangerous Camp 1 Rapids. Camp 1 Rapids start mildly and travel around a bend out of sight. Around the bend the river constricts, flow increases and suddenly there is a line of massive boulders that cross the entire river and block passage.
In all, this section is 4.7 miles of river which takes a minimum of 2.5 hours to paddle and portage. The south branch of the Popple River joins the north branch about 1/4 mile dooownriver from Newald Tower Bridge.
Fishing, parking along road only- rugged access site
Fishing, parking along road only- rugged access site
For a fascinating read about what life was like growing up on an isolated farm in the 1960's near this stretch of the Popple River read this book: "Fences in the Woods" by Ken Hedmark (2012).
Paddle access, fishing, parking along road only - rugged access site
As with other Popple River sections this one is not for paddlers with novice or intermediate abilities. A half-mile down river begins a long series of pool-drop rapids that are reliably obstructed by deadfalls and thus dangerous.
This section of river is remote and very beautiful with stretches of marshland and mature forest land along the bank. There are beaver dams to cross. In all this section is 6.3 miles of river which takes a minimum of 3 hours to paddle and portage. The river in this section has remnants of the logging era (2.5 miles downriver) including what remains of the embankment for Podunk Dam.
Paddle access, fishing, parking are- improved access site
In this area the Popple River travels through a massive wetalnd marsh that creates the natural water reservoir that sustains river flow between rainfalls. The river section through this marsh is surprisingly deep and navigable long after the rest of the Popple River gets too shallow to allow canoeing. The thick marsh makes shore land virtually impenetrable for the first 4.5 miles downriver from the put-in.Typical of the Popple River the section after the marsh has some very challenging stretches of rocky rapids that culminate in a massive blockage to river passage. No portage trail exists but it is possible to travel through the mature forest land uphill from the river for the required 1/3 mile portage around the blockage. In all, this section is 8 miles of river which takes a minimum of 4-5 hours to paddle and portage.
Paddle access, fishing, parking area- improved access site
Paddle access, fishing, parking area- rugged access site
USFS campground with spring water. There is a staff gauge on the middle bridge support, downriver side.
Waterfall, fishing, parking area, paddle access- rugged access site
There is a very sweet, mostly flat water canoe trip starting below Meyers Falls and stopping above Bull Falls (or continuing further). This is a 2 mile river trip taking about an hour and the bike trip back is similarly about 2 miles on good dirt road. This is a beautiful trip full of spring wildflowers. The big difficulty is getting a canoe down the rugged path to the water below Meyers Falls and then back up the steep bank to the landing above Bull Falls.
Paddle access, fishing, parking are- improved access site
The old bridge remnants are evident. Easier access than at Bull or Meyer Falls.
Waterfall, fishing, parking area- rugged access site
This is a beautiful area with rich, mature open woods and some amazing spring wildflowers. Also see #13 trip between Meyers and Bull Falls.
There were four CCC Camps in the Florence County Nicolet National on the Wild River Tour route. CCC enrollees performed many duties, including forest fire control, tree planting, road construction, recreation area construction and maintenance, installation of telephone lines, fish and wildlife habitat improvement, timber stand improvement and surveying. Much of the work done by the CCC is still evident today. Many roads, recreation areas, ranger stations, the Trees for Tomorrow training center and countless timber plantations exist because of the corpsmen’s hard work. A sign is located on Hwy 139 designating the location of the former Newald Camp. The Lost Lake Forest Service cabins were built by former CCC workers. These cabins were renovated in 2012 and can be rented.
The camps within Florence County were:
Rainbow Camp at T40N, R16E
Long Lake Camp at T39N, R15E
Newald Camp at T38N, R15E
Dream Camp at T40N, R15E
The Fern Town Hall was listed on the National Register of Historical Places in 1981. It served as a school from 1921-1956, but now serves as town hall for the Town of Fern. It's located on Hwy 101 between access points #2 and #3 on Town Hall Rd. The original cost of construction was $3,000. The architechture is consider Colonial Revival style. Handicap accessibility was added in 2009.