WRIC Featured Artist

January 27, 2025

Wendy Gehlhoff

press release

The Wild Rivers Interpretive Center is hosting its first Wild Rivers Featured Artist:  Dennis Nelson.  This is a new rotating exhibit designed to introduce our residents and visitors to local artists who capture the beauty of our Wild Rivers, lakes and forests.

Dennis J. Nelson grew up in the Green Bay area as one of six boys and one girl.  Going “Up North” was always magical.  Fishing and hunting were the coveted activities with trout fishing highest on the list.  Rivers, streams, brooks and especially the cauldrons of waterfalls pulled at him relentlessly.

Dennis loves all wild places.  Wisconsin’s Wild Rivers area, which he likes to call “Three Rivers Run through It”:  the Pine, the Popple, and the Pike, are his favorite.  The oil based images he creates are often real Wild River places or are based on his dreams of the rivers.  Each piece contributes to supporting the Wild Rivers area and cold water fisheries in North America.  Dennis can be contacted at WildRiversArt@gmail.com or 920-819-1210.

The featured pieces are displayed in front of the waterfall mural and are for sale.  Note cards are for sale at the front desk.  The interpretive center is open from 8am – 4pm Monday through Friday at 5628 Forestry Drive in Florence at the intersection of US 2 and Hwy 70.  For questions call 715-528-5377 or email the Director, Wendy Gehlhoff at wgehlhoff@florencecountywi.gov.

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