The Wild Rivers of Florence County

June 10, 2024

Wendy Gehlhoff

press release

Did you know that Florence County is home to 2 of the 5 state-designated Wild Rivers, the Pine and the Popple?  On Tuesday, June 25th at 6pm, John Roberts, our local Wild Rivers expert, will talk about the history of the Wild Rivers including the 1965 legislation that protected the Pine and Popple from development. He will also share how he learned to appreciate the free flowing "Wildness" experience that you get from the serene quiet places as well as the exhilarating waterfalls found along our special rivers.  John’s decades of experience paddling the rivers and his knowledge about the local flora and fauna along the rivers is extensive, so come prepared with questions you might like answered.
This program start at 6:00 pm in the lower level conference room at the Florence Natural Resource building located on the corner of US 2 and Highway 101/70 in Florence (5628 Forestry Drive).  Or you may sign up to attend virtually via Zoom by registering at On the Events page click on this event and then click on “Register here to attend via Zoom link”.  There will be ample time for questions and answers.
The Florence County monthly Outdoor Education programs are sponsored by the Friends of the Wild Rivers Interpretive Center and UW-Extension Florence County.  This event is open to the public and free of charge.  For more information, contact Wendy Gehlhoff at (715) 528-5920 or

Register here to attend via Zoom link »

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