Smokey Says "Only You Can Prevent Wildfires"

August 6, 2024

Wendy Gehlhoff

press release

The next Florence County Outdoor Education talk will be Wednesday, August 21st.  To celebrate Smokey Bear’s 80th birthday, the topic this month is Smokey Says “Only You Can Prevent Wildfires”.  Andy Nault, WDNR Florence Ranger/Sr. Forester will explain ways to prevent wildfires and how to make your home or cabin more defensible against wildfires.
The program starts at 6:00 pm in the lower level conference room at the Florence Natural Resource building located on the corner of US 2 and Highway 101/70 in Florence (5628 Forestry Drive).  Or you may sign up to attend virtually via Zoom by registering at  On the Events page click on this event and then click on “Register here to attend via Zoom link”.  There will be ample time for questions and answers.
In honor of Smokey Bear’s 80th birthday, the Wild Rivers Gift Shop is handing out free Smokey Bear gift bags until they are gone.  Learn more about the Smokey story at
The Florence County monthly Outdoor Education programs are sponsored by the Friends of the Wild Rivers Interpretive Center and UW-Extension Florence County.  This event is open to the public and free of charge.  For more information, contact Wendy Gehlhoff at (715) 528-5920 or

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