Outdoor Survival Skills Program

November 27, 2024

Wendy Gehlhoff

press release

The next Outdoor Education program will be Thursday, December 12th at 6:00 pm in Florence. “Woodsy Dude”, Joshua Stuck will discuss basic survival techniques and skills as well as have some hands-on interaction with actual survival gear and natural materials.  This program will be interesting to both teenagers and adults.  Joshua has been passing on his knowledge and experiences of outdoor survival and native skills for over 20 years.  He loves using his passion for bush craft skills and survival preparedness to help others build their own knowledge and skill base, become more self-sufficient, confident and continue to Embrace the Outdoors!  To learn more about the other programs Joshua offers go to WoodsyDude.com. 
This program starts at 6:00 pm in the lower level conference room at the Florence Natural Resource building located on the corner of US 2 and Highway 101/70 in Florence (5628 Forestry Drive).  We would like a rough count for this program, so please RSVP to Wendy Gehlhoff at (715) 528-5920 or wgehlhoff@florencecountywi.gov.  Or you may sign up to attend virtually via Zoom by registering at www.ExploreFlorenceCounty.com. On the Events page click on this event and then click on “Register here to attend via Zoom link”.  There will be ample time for questions and answers.

The Florence County monthly Outdoor Education programs are sponsored by the Friends of the Wild Rivers Interpretive Center and UW-Extension Florence County.  This event is open to the public and free of charge.

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